Ongoing Bibliography of Favorite Fairy Tale Collections from Hither and Yon

This list was created by Fairy Tale Lobbyists as a bibliography which can grow as we go. To add your favorite source, simply write it into a response below and we’ll move it into the text so you can find it again when you need it. Most of these classics have been reprinted many times, so we won’t include the complete bibliographic information.(Thanks, Princess of Pittsburg IN, for keyboarding it in for us!)

Afanas’ev, Alexander, Russian Fairy Tales.

Al-Saleh, Khairat, Fabled Cities, Princes and Jinn from Arab Myths and Legends.

Andersen, Hans Christian, Fairy Tales.

Asbjørnsen, Christian and Jørgen Moe, East of the Sun and West of the Moon.

Bocaccio, The Decameron.

Bushnaq, Inea, Arab Folktales.

Calvino, Italo, Italian Folktales

Carter, Angela, Angela Carter’s Book of Fairy Tales.

Chodzko, Alexander and Emily J. Harding, Fairy Tales of the Slave Peasants and Herdsmen.

Cole, Joanna, Best-Loved Folktales of the World.

Crossley-Holland, Kevin, The Norse Myths.

Curcic, Jelena, Serbian Fairy Tales.

D’Aulnoy, The Fairy Tales of Madame D’Aulnoy.

Degh, Linda, The Art of Zsuzsanna Palko.
Degh, Linda, Folktales of Hungary.

Filmore, Parker and Jan Matulka, Chechoslovak Fairy Tales.
Filmore, Parker and Jan Matulka, The Laughing Prince.
Filmore, Parker and Jan Matulka, The Shoemaker’s Apron A Second Book of Czech Folk Tales.

Filmore, Parker and Jay Van Everen, Mighty Mikko A book of Finnish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales.

Friedlander, Gerald, Jewish Fairy Tales.

Glinski, A. J. and Maude Ashurtst Biggs, Polish Fairy Tales.Gonzenbach, Laura. Beautiful Angiola. Jack Zipes, translator.
Gonzenbach, Laura. The Robber with the Witch’s Head. Jack Zipes, translator.Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition.
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, Grimms Fairy Tales.

Hamilton, Virginia, Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales.

Hearne, Lafcadio, the Boy Who Drew Cats and Other Japanese Fairy Tales.

Howe, Priscilla (translator), Bulgarian Hodja Tales

Ignac Kunos, Forty-Four Turkish Fairy Tales.

Jacobs, Joseph, Favorite Celtic Fairy Tales.
Jacobs, Joseph, English Fairy Tales
Jacobs, Joseph, Indian Fairy Tales.

James, Grace (translator) Japanese Fairy Tales.

Lang, Andrew, The Blue Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Brown Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Crimson Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Green Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Grey Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Lilac Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Olive Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Orange Fairy Book
Lang, Andrew, The Pink Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Red Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Violet Fairy Book.
Lang, Andrew, The Yellow Fairy Book.

Marsh, Richard, Spanish and Basque Legends.

MacKillop, James, Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.

Nemcová, Bozena, The Disobedient Kids: and other Czecho-Slovak Fairy Tales.
Nemcová, Bozena and K. J. Erben, Czech Fairy-Tales A Selection of the ost Beautiful Folk Tales.

Nic Leodhas, Sorche, Ghosts Go Haunting.
Nic Leodhas, Sorche, Claymore and Kilt: Tales of Scottish Kings and Castles.
Nic Leodhas, Sorche, Heather and Broom: Tales of the Scottish Highlands.
Nic Leodhas, Sorche, Thistle and Thyme: Tales and Legends from Scotland.
Nic Leodhas, Sorche, Twelve Great Black Cats: and Other Eerie Scottish Tales.

Perrault, Charles, Perrault’s Fairy Tales.

Perez, Yoel, Center of Folktales and Folklore.

Pourrat, Henri and C. G. Bjurstrom, French Folktales.

Pushkin, A. S., Pushkin’s Fairy Tales.

Ramanujan, A. K., Folktales from India.
Ramanujan, A. K., The Flowering Tree

Ransome, Arthur and Simon Galkin, Favorite Russian Fairy Tales.

Sir John Rhys, Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx.

Schwartz, Howard and Linda Heller, Elijah’s Violin and Other Jewish Fairy Tales.

Swire, Otta F., The Inner Hebrides and their Legends,
Swire, Otta F., The OUter Hebrides and their Legends.
Swire, Otta F., The Island and its Legends.

Walker, Barbara K., Art of the Turkish Tale (2 volumes).
Walker, Barbara K., Turkish Folk Tales
Walker, Barbara K., Turkish Tales for Children

Williamson, Duncan, Broonie Silkes & Fairies.
Williamson, Duncan, Fireside Tales of the Traveller Children.
Williamson, Duncan. Jack and the Devil’s Purse: Scottish Traveller Tales.
Williamson, Duncan and Linda, The Coming of the Unicorn: Scottish Folk Tales for Children.
Williamson, Duncan and Linda, The Flight of the Golden Bird: Scottish Folk Tales for Children.
Williamson, Duncan and Linda, A Thorn in the King’s Foot.
Williamson, Duncan and Chad McCail, Tales of the Seal People: Scottish folk Tales.

Yeats, William Butler, Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry.

Yolen, Jane, Favorite Folktales from Around the World.

2 thoughts on “Ongoing Bibliography of Favorite Fairy Tale Collections from Hither and Yon”

  1. mary grace ketner said:

    Thanks, Tim! I’ll move these up to the alphabetical list!

  2. Gonzenbach, Laura. Beautiful Angiola. Jack Zipes, translator.
    Gonzenbach, Laura. The Robber with the Witch’s Head. Jack Zipes, translator.

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